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Showing posts from March, 2019

A busy month in review

So it's been a while hasn't it Tri couplets? It's been a very up and down month with the training pressures for Warwick increasing and real life accelerating away with both of us, making it difficult to step back and review what's really been happening.  If you can cast your minds back a few weeks, as per the usual routine it was time Warwick to slip into race mode and compete in the local triathlon club league. As they still believe it to be "winter" they're currently only running an Aquathlon, a 400 metre swim followed by a quick 5km around the local park. Short and fast with no need to consider food or hydration it’s a pure test of speed. With a swim time of 5:57 and a run of 18:43 timing are perfectly where Warwick has to be sat at the moment. Although the end result was exactly what we were aiming for, as soon as the word 'go' was shouted, the pacing strategy agreed on was thrown out and it became a game for Warwick to chase down the per